LC Explorer


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LC Explorer is a free service that enables you to discover, track and share real world activities in Lorain County, so that you get the most out of your fun time.With LC Explorer, you can:
- Discover thousands of fun things to do in Lorain County.- Save activities to your personal ExplorerList.- View activities popular with your Facebook friends.- Receive reminder emails and alerts for upcoming activities.- View activities based on your current location.- Most importantly, you can “Kick boredom to the curb!”
LC Explorer is updated every day by the team.
- Select 'Best of LC Explorer' for daily recommendations.- Select 'My ExplorerList' to view activities you have saved that are near your current location.- Select 'Friends ExplorerList' to view activities your friends have saved that are near your current location.- Select 'Today' to see what is happening today and never miss out.- Select 'This Week' to view the most popular activities of the week.- Or, Select from over 400 Categories, Cities and Channels to break the normal routine and discover something new.